Hello, I’m Derren Wilson

I enjoy using CSS, HTML and JavaScript to make useful, accessible websites. For the last 20 years I have either designed, made or talked about how to make websites.

For 4 years I was a lecturer in web design and front-end development at Manchester Metropolitan University. I taught undergraduates, postgraduates and apprentices about the social, economic, historical and technical contexts of how websites are (and were) made.

I also researched and wrote about web history, particularly the development of Responsive Web Design and Cascading Style Sheets. You can watch a presentation on using web archiving to study changes in web development on youtube or read an academic paper about the CSS Zen Garden open access for examples of my work.

I work as a front-end developer in the UK. Most of the websites I’ve built have long disappeared, but I am working on some new ones.

I helped create an early version of a responsive pattern library for Manchester Metropolitan University and have worked on many websites as a freelance designer, including Green Earth Flowers.

Apart from making websites, I enjoy drawing, typography, reading (a list of books I’ve read), moaning about the poor quality of ebook reader user interfaces and trying not to buy any new devices.